How to Maintain Wellness and Self-Care Goals
8 step to help you create a plan of action to manage you Goals
With the hustle and bustles of our busy days, it's not always easy to take care of ourselves. But now, there are tons of wellness goals you can achieve with just 10 minutes per day, like eating healthier or getting more exercise throughout your weekdays……
Why You Don’t Have to Spend a Fortune on Getting Healthy and Fit
While it would be nice to have a personal trainer on standby for personalized fitness sessions, not everyone can afford this route. However, that's not to say it's your only option to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. There are, of course, other alternatives (many of them free) that you can make use of, too.
Maintaining Your Health at an Older Age
As you’ve grown older, you may have noticed that things don't feel the same as they used to. You might not have as much energy, and you might want to change things in your life that don’t benefit you anymore. Don't worry; there are several ways to reinvigorate your health and improve your mood….
The 3 Whey's to Get Stronger and Healthy
For one reason it’s relatively expensive, secondly what the body does not use it dumps what leading you to literally and figuratively flush money down the drain, and thirdly it is not sustainable in a realistic fashion, just think about how many different supplements you have tried for a few months over the past several years including the ones in your the kitchen cabinet that have gone unused. The use of supplements can be beneficial to and health and performance training program, whether your goal is to lose weight and improve your body composition, or if you are an athlete who is looking to gain weight, get stronger, faster, in the offseason supplements can give you the added edge you are looking for, but only if your nutrition plans’ foundation is based on consuming whole foods that have the three main macronutrients:….
The New and Old Smarter Cardio Training of the 21st Century....
The goal of any training program should be to develop these energy systems and “train” them to produce the energy in an efficient manner during practice and competition so that energy is readily available to the muscles during physical activity. All three energy systems are interdependent of each other, but in most situations, one energy system or a combination of two of the three is required to make things happen. This goes into the concept of performance-specific training and how to create training programs that are designed specifically to produce improvements in muscular endurance, cardiovascular fitness, and improvements in speed and power of the individual….