Do You Offer help with Nutrition?
Yes, we offer suggestions and ideas to organize your goals for your nutrition.
But in the event that you need detailed help with a nutrition plan of action, you will be referred to one our Licensed Nutritionist partners.
How many training sessions are scheduled per week?
The Personal Training Program includes 3 training sessions per week (with a minimum of 48 hours between each training session).
Example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday -or- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
The Athlete Performance Training Program includes 3-4 training sessions per week (with a minimum of 48 hours between each training session).
Example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday -or- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday -or- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Training schedules are based on your availability to train and the Atlast Performace training schedule.
How do I pay for my training program?
All training programs are charged on a monthly basis, by electronic funds transfer (ETF) auto-draft from a debit or credit card or checking account. You will be notified by email 5 days prior to the auto-draft of the funds from your account, or you may pay early using the link in the email or you can wait for the auto draft.