Great Posture=Long Drives
Improve Your Golf Swing with These Posture Exercises
To increase power in your golf swing it all begins with your Golf posture! That is regulated by your strength in your upper and mid-back, the T-spine and good stability in the hips. Both areas are located in the posterior (back) of the body. Having proper posture in your golf swing helps maintain balance, stability and accuracy in the back swing and the downswing. We will take look at several exercises that can help your maintain the muscular strength and endurance to help you maintain this posture for an entire round of golf or a heavy swing day at the driving range.
Here are 4 specific exercises that will help improve your golf posture and get you ready for a great day on the course or the Driving range.
Shoulder Stability and Mobility
Shoulder Wall Slides
Shoulder Wall Slides
Facing away from the Wall with body slightly press against the wall, Extend both arms up
With elbows bent keep Shoulders, Elbows, hands, and wrist in contact with the wall
Pull shoulders back slightly, with good posture siding hands, wrists, and Elbows up the wall to a full extension of hands overhead
Lower your hips; your back should be completely flat on the wall, knees slightly bent in a seated position.
Perform this exercise for 2- 3 sets of 6-8 reps each set
Band Face Pulls
Band Face Pulls
Hold band or handles of resistance bands with palms facing the ground/Pronated grip (palms of hands facing the ground) holding the Band at Face level Pull band towards your forehead with elbows out.
Make sure to Pinch the shoulder Blades together and set the shoulder before you pull the band - this helps Stabilize the shoulder.
Perform this exercise for 2-3 sets of 15 reps each Set
Both of these exercise helps engage the scapula for better shoulder stability throughout the swing motion.
Hip Strength and Stability
Dowel Hip Hinge
Dowel Hip Hinge
Standing upright Place dowel parallel with the head, spine, and hips; between the shoulder blades
Your Feet are shoulder width apart in a balanced stance; soft knees slightly bent
Keeping dowel in contact with the back of your head and tail bone hinge and the Tailbone
Lower your shoulders push your hips back until you feel a slight pull in the glutes and the hamstrings
Hinge as far as you can keeping the Dowel in contact with your Head and Tailbone
Then drive your feet into the ground as your return to the starting upright position
Perform this exercise for 2-3 sets 8-10 reps each set
Marching Band Bridges
In the prone position (faceup) Knees Bent
Place the band around the balls of your feet (below your toes)
With feet flat on the floor Extend you hips up off of the floor.
Lift one knee to you chest or as high as you can lift it - the alternate lifting the other knee in a marching rhythm - Flex the foot back towards the shin while marching
Perform the exercise for 2- 3 sets of 10-12 reps each Leg for each set
By incorporating these exercises into your routine regularly, should help increase your power, reduces overuse injury, and improve your muscular endurance. Hit’em Strong Hit’em Long in good health!