Nurturing Wellness | Habits for a Healthy Body and Mind
When it comes to practicing daily health habits, pretty much the easiest thing to turn into a routine is the basics. Of course, life is not always cooperative, but ask yourself how consistent you are with self-care. Do you shower daily? Are you staying hydrated throughout the day? How much walking do you do weekly? Being healthy doesn't have to take up a lot of time. Instead, look at what you can do to make adjustments to your lifestyle. Add fruit and veggies to your diet. Make a conscious effort to head to bed earlier. Switch off from tech in the evening. Reduce your caffeine intake. Avoid sitting for long periods. These may seem like small things, but they are not trivial to your well-being. Over time, they build up to have a meaningful impact on your health, from head to toe.
The Value of What You do
I could start this post with some generic google search definition of the word Value, but that would be cheap and plus I want to write about my definition of what I know "value" is and how I apply that definition to my business and my life. While I was journaling this evening I came up with two questions to come up with what my definition of what value is.
Question #1: What are my values?
Question #2: What do I value?
The Right Formula: Supplementation for Health and Performance
Finding the right supplement to give you that edge to reach your health and performance goals can be overwhelming. With all of the choices available, it can seem nearly impossible to choose the most complete supplement to include in your nutrition plan. There are hundreds of companies that develop and sell supplements worldwide, and in the United States did you know that there is no regulated testing method or system of evaluation that reassures the consumer that the supplements that they are buying contain the ingredients listed on the packaging.
The Missing Link
This is especially true for active athletic individuals at all levels. As a trainer/coach the focus on nutrition is essential to maximizing the benefits of the adaptations of the training program for everyone from youth, High School, College, and professional athletes to the Weekend Warriors of the community and the individual who just wants to lose weight that ever-illusive 15-25 lb and improve their body composition to be beach-ready.
Put the F in F.R.E.A.K and You will E.A.T.
The quality of the fuel you consume is the foundation of who you are. Lets break it down in regards to the three main macro nutrients you consume on a daily bases, which are Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats. Here is a brief description of all three:…….