Atlas Performance Training LLC

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Why You Don’t Have to Spend a Fortune on Getting Healthy and Fit

While it would be nice to have a personal trainer on standby for personalized fitness sessions, not everyone can afford this route. However, that's not to say it's your only option to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. There are, of course, other alternatives (many of them free) that you can make use of, too. Today, we will share a few of examples of how you can improve your health and fitness on a tight budget.

Work Out at Home


If you want to avoid the gym, you could always opt to work out at home. Instead of purchasing expensive gym equipment, you could work out to a home workout DVD, for example. But if you would prefer to set up a home gym of your own, there are also ways around having to purchase expensive equipment by buying them second-hand or waiting until the next big clearance sale to get the equipment you really want and envision for your home gym. When purchasing exercise equipment, the first step is to refer to unbiased home product review sites online to ensure you’re getting the best items that fit into your budget. You’ll be able to make more informed buying decisions based on products’ durability and quality.


Furthermore, Shape notes that you don't even have to buy fancy gym equipment to get a great workout, because you can also make use of regular household furniture items such as a chair or kitchen counter to work on your triceps dips, for example. You can also start you day with a body weight exercises circuit that includes pushups, Body weight Squats, Lunges.

Small Group Personal Training may be an Option

This is an option for you to have the benefits of a personal training program in a small group of 4-6 other individuals, which maybe a more affordable option where the cost of the hour of personal training session is spread among the individuals attending the session. These sessions are usually H.I.T.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) programs that are scaled out into a circuit to resistance, core and cardio exercises. Check out this blog post with a example of our H.I.I.T. program.

Check out this pervious blog post Click Here

Stay Fit While Traveling for Work


For many people, traveling for work can be a great way to see new places and meet new people. However, it can also be difficult to stay healthy and fit while on the road, so it’s crucial that you make time for exercise. Try to squeeze in a workout session in the morning before your meetings or in the evening after your work day is done. If you're staying in a hotel, take advantage of the fitness center or go for a run around the city.


It's easy to indulge when you're traveling, but try to focus on eating healthy meals. Look for restaurants that serve fresh, local food and avoid processed snacks and meals. It's important to stay hydrated when you're traveling, especially if you're flying. Bring a refillable water bottle with you and make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Try to avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.

Check out this pervious blog post Click Here

Follow a Customized Eating Plan


Of course, incorporating a good exercise regime as part of your daily routine is one way to significantly improve your fitness levels. But so is eating healthily, too. Again, you don't have to spend extra on those extra healthy food groups, either. Benenden Hospital suggests growing your own fruits and vegetables at home so that you have access to fresh fruit and veggies daily. Then you could combine your healthy menu with a customized eating plan so that you can derive the maximum benefit out of following a menu that's designed just for you.


Also, it may be a good idea to donate all traces of junk food that you've stocked up on for emergency cravings, and instead, stock your refrigerator and pantry with more healthy options - not forgetting plenty of filtered water! You can also incorporate supplements like iron, magnesium and plant-based vitamins to help improve performance at all levels.

If you are still a bit apprehensive or confused about how you can learn how to make better choices with your nutrition, and learn the proper portions within your meals download our Portion Control Guide for free!

Make Use of an Outdoor Gym

Suppose you dread the thought of working out at home because you feel like you won't be disciplined enough to stick to a schedule. Then you could always make use of an outdoor gym (they are popping up everywhere these days) to fit in an exercise routine or two regularly. Moreover, park gyms are a great place to meet new people and forge new friendships with people who are in the same mindset as you.

Even if you don’t have a local park, something as simple as going for a walk is beneficial to your health. If you’re not sure where to go, consult a Walk Score map of your area. It’s a helpful resource for finding the best places to walk in your community.

Furthermore, if you want to incorporate exercise into your daily activities but can't find the time because you work long hours, you can still utilize your breaks to squeeze in some exercise at work. For example, you could use the stairs instead of the lift, walk around outside if you have an outside space at your workplace, and you should avoid sitting for long periods of time when you can stand and move about instead.

If your current work arrangement and schedule isn’t conducive to getting the exercise you need to stay healthy, consider your options. Try to schedule a minimum of 25-30 min of walking before and after work. Take 1 hour per day to make your health and fitness a priority.

Create a Harmonious Space to De-Stress


If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle overall, you will also need to seek out ways to eliminate stress, especially at home. One of the ways you could do this is by creating a more harmonious living environment to come home to. You could start with decluttering and reorganizing areas that look in disarray. Then you could add some houseplants to revitalize a tired-looking space with fresh greenery. Don't forget to also let in plenty of fresh air and natural sunlight for its calming properties. Then, when all is said and done, carve out time in your day for a bit of rest and relaxation to rejuvenate your mind and body for the days ahead.

In conclusion…

Leading a healthier and more active lifestyle shouldn't just be an option to live healthily and happily in the future. It should be a matter of priority if you want to live your best life whether you’re at home or on the road for work. Be your own health care advocate and take control of your health and fitness, so you are not depending on a health care professional to improve your quality of life ow in a worst case scenario SAVE your life in 10-15 years if you don’t make the changes necessary TODAY to live happy health life.

If your financial situation is what is holding you back from hiring a trainer or investing in a gym membership, then get creative and take hold of opportunities that may be waiting right in front of you.


For specific coaching and training in the Orlando area, visit Atlas Pro Training today!