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The Power of Lifting Weights: A Personal Journey

Why did you get into lifting weights?

Sometimes I wondered what got me into lifting weights? It's a question that I often reflect on. here is my personal story of the transformation and empowerment that it has given me over the last 35 years.

My journey into weight lifting began when I first saw my father lifting weights when I was around 8-9 years old . After he and my mom divorced, my older sister and my younger brother an I would go over to his house on the weekends. I remember one day he was taking a nap and i went into an extra bedroom he had in his apartment , and I saw a Barbell bench setup with dumbbells. At the time I did not know anything about lifting weights or how to use them, but being a curious kid i tried to pick up a dumbbell and i could not even nudge it an inch, but I kept trying to lift it but I could not ever get it up off the floor. Then on another visit I saw my father in the spare room lifting weights, he was under the bar on the bench press, Ii was in awe of this and I went in and sat down to observe him more closely. After he was finished he invited me to try out one of the small dumbbell, it was heavy but I could control it enough to do a single arm curl for a few reps the I put I down, i though it was cool and interesting but I did not have a passion to learn more about how to lift weights or anything exercise related . So fast forward seven years to when I was in middle school in the 8the grade, which was my first full year of playing organized tackle football. We had a day of just conditioning on the Monday the first day of the week after our game on the previous Thursday of the preceding week. One of the assistant coaches took us down to the the weight room were I lifted weights for the first time and really the only time for the next two years, until my sophomore year in High school

My Weight Lifting Journey: From Bench Press Aspirations to Lifelong Passion

1989-1990: The Formative Years

As a sophomore at the age of 15, I embarked on a journey that would change my life forever. It all began with the guidance of a remarkable coach named Raul Dinati, a bodybuilder with a wealth of knowledge. My goal during this period was clear: to bench press 225 pounds for 10 reps. To get there, Coach Dinati introduced me to the fundamental principles of weight training—sets, reps, and the art of progressively loading exercises.

The initial assignment was both exciting and challenging. I vividly remember walking into the gym, eager to take on the task. Coach Dinati instructed me to start with the 45-pound bar, the very foundation of my weightlifting journey. From there, I was to add a 45-pound plate to each side, totaling 90 pounds, and lift that weight for three sets of 10 reps each. It may sound simple now, but at the time, it was a formidable challenge.

It took me a full year of dedication and relentless effort to reach that coveted goal. Those sets and reps were more than just numbers; they were milestones in my personal growth. I was hooked. The satisfaction of achieving my first weightlifting goal was immeasurable, and it marked the beginning of my lifelong obsession with lifting weights.

1991-Present: The Evolution of a Weightlifter

From 1991 onwards, I continued to explore the world of weightlifting. This journey took me through various phases of my life, from being a collegiate athlete to a professional one and eventually transitioning into a trainer and coach.

1991-1995: My College Years

During my collegiate years, I delved into Olympic weightlifting, mastering techniques such as power cleans and jerk presses. It was here that I learned the intricacies of constructing strength training blocks for athletes, a skill that would prove invaluable in my future career.

1995-2008: The Professional Football Years

The next chapter saw me stepping onto the professional football field, from signing as a free agent with the Seattle Seahawks to a brief stint in the World League of American Football and eventually spending 12 years in the high-octane environment of the Arena Football League (AFL). These years were about more than just playing the game; they were about maintaining strength, optimizing recovery, and enhancing joint health and mobility. I learned how to adapt my lifting routine to the demands of professional sports, a journey that demanded not only physical prowess but also mental resilience.

2008-Present: Lifelong Learning

Today, my weightlifting journey continues. I've discovered that lifting weights isn't just a means to an end; it's a therapeutic stress reliever and a lifelong passion. With each passing year, I gain new insights as my body adjusts and changes with age. I've learned the art of lifting consistently while being mindful of load intensity and repetition volume. It's about understanding that lifting is not just about pushing limits but also about nurturing your body's well-being.

In conclusion, my weightlifting journey has been a profound and enriching experience. From the early days of bench pressing to my ongoing exploration of lifting as a therapeutic practice, I've discovered that lifting weights isn't just about physical fitness; it's about enriching the heart and soul. It's a journey that continues to shape me, year after year, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.

Understanding the motivations behind weightlifting can be a mystery to those who haven't experienced its benefits firsthand.

Through sharing personal stories and insights, we can shed light on the numerous physical and mental benefits of weightlifting.

At Atlas Performance Training, we celebrate the power of weightlifting and offer guidance and support for individuals looking to embark on this transformative journey.

Join our health and performance community at Atlas Performance Training and discover weightlifting in as safe and positive setting and the incredible impact it can have on your life.

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